Minnesota has not had much snow to speak of this year. Ski resorts, ice fishing, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling — all have come to a screeching halt. The last couple of days though have broken the cycle.
In the Twin Cities, we didn’t get as much as what they originally anticipated which was close to a foot of snow. The first “pass” only hit us with rain. The second “pass’ gave us about 2 inches of wet snow.
I woke up, looked out the window and the landscape had changed so much from the night before. White — white — white … everything is white. I enjoy Minnesota winters!

I never realized I would like the color white so much until I moved to Minnesota and its winters brought us the lovely white landscapes.

We haven’t had much snow this year but when it came it sure did come pretty!
I absolutely love these pictures and that is what I want in Chicago, SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW. Beautiful seestur, I hope you like it.