Sunrise Sunset

Time flies. As a little girl I used to want to be “older” so that I could be “free.” Looking back, I was more free as a child — no bills, no housing concerns, no worries about what I said or didn’t say. Being middle aged is not so bad though. It brings maturity (hopefully), added “age wisdom”, marriage, children, grandchildren and friends like no other.

While unpacking from our move to Minnesota, I found an old notebook. In it, I had a list of everyone I knew who had passed away in the last 30 years. Morbid? No, not really. I have kept it so that I would not forget the people who had an impact in my life. Someone suggested I use people’s birthdays instead but I like the “memoriam effect.”

As we get older, we start to wonder what our existence is all about. One day here — one day gone. Will anyone care? Sure, there are the known and unknown influences we’ve had on people. But — after awhile, when the people who know you have passed on — nothing.


Fortunately for me I believe in an afterlife — a resurrection of the dead and a heaven and Father to go to. Without that — nothing.


One of my favorite songs is from the movie Fiddler On The Roof. It’s called Sunrise Sunset. Take a listen by clicking on the link below. It has always reminded me of getting older.

Any special “getting older” songs you have?

Happy Birthday to me and thank you all for being a part of my life!

[amazon_link id=”0792838955″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Fiddler on the Roof[/amazon_link]



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