Thoughtfulness in the Home

Shilshole Beach, Seattle

Make your home atmosphere fragrant with tender thoughtfulness.

Home is to be the center of the purest and most elevated affection. Peace, harmony, affection, and happiness should be perseveringly cherished every day, until these precious things abide in the hearts of those who compose the family. My Life Today, Pg 178 by Ellen White

In reading this devotional today, my heart couldn’t help but give a hearty Amen! to the thought of what our homes should be like. Imagine if every child grew up with tenderness in the home. How different our society might be. Fear, mistrust, pain, anger, insecurity — all would be abolished.

But, it won’t happen in this life. At least not in society as a whole. Little by little though, one by one, we can make a difference — each one reaching one.

If we love one another, God dwells in us, and His love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12

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