To think — I’ve been in Minnesota since November and will finally be returning to Seattle in a couple of weeks to visit friends and attend a high school graduation. The evergreen trees will be a welcome sight to these eyes that are now just starting to see spring arrive in Lake Elmo. Within one week it appears everything is starting to come to life.
Six months – so many changes I’m sure have taken place in the city that I “grew” up in. Friends of mine have told me “We’ve gotten older since you’ve left.” Translation? They don’t move as quickly, have been ill and have gained weight (their translation not mine). “Not to worry” I told them. It feels like Minnesotans hibernate like bears. Some go to gyms but most appear to stay indoors until the weather gets “comfortable” and they can get outside and walk or bike.
I used to walk in Seattle all the time and at the end of my walk would reward myself with a hot cocoa — never mattered what season it was.
The house painting this past week came along quite nicely but I looked forward to this Sabbath day for much needed physical and mental rest. Still, I can’t get Seattle out of my mind. So many people to see and so little time.
Seems so long ago I started “keeping” the Sabbath day near to my heart. And now, every Friday evening my body seems to shut down – an automatic shut-down of the “need” to do physical or mental labor, instead allowing time for fellowship with family, friends and, most importantly, God.