Lake Elmo House Update

Tomorrow is the day we sign on the dotted line for the Lake Elmo house. Well, assuming that everything goes well at the walk-through.

A walk-through is when you go to the house you’re going to buy and check to make sure everything is still there just like it was when you first walked through the house and fell in love with it. Sometimes, sellers take things they aren’t supposed to — like washers, dryers, appliances, etc. even though they agreed to leave it there.

After the walk-through, you go to the title company and sign closing papers. You hand over a lot of money for the house or your lender does and you have a mortgage. Then you sign a bunch of paperwork and get keys for the house. The house is then yours.

One thing that a lot of people don’t think about is changing the locks on the house when they move in. This is important to do because the previous owners may have given keys out to friends or family.

So – one of the first things I’ll have done is to have the locks changed (assuming all goes as planned and we actually have a house tomorrow).

Today was spent cleaning the 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment that we have rented for the last 5 1/2 months. Everything has to be clean in order for us to get our deposit back. Things such as:

  • Tubs
  • Toilets
  • Tile
  • Floors
  • Vacuuming all carpet
  • Window blinds
  • Stovetop and oven
  • Refrigerator
  • All cabinets inside and out

I’m sure there’s more. I’m very tired. This is the 2nd time in 6 months that I’ve had to clean everything in the place we lived – first a house, now an apartment.

My next large project will be cleaning the new house.



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