Betrayal and Redemption

I was about 12, and my father, who had not been around much since my mother had to leave him, decided to come back and visit us.

We lived in an apartment on a boulevard.  It had 6 units — 3 stories high and 2 units on each floor.  It had a beautiful cement balcony and I liked to look at the cars go by or at the people walking past.

My father’s visit lasted about one week.  During this time, he painted our kitchen yellow. My memory of that time stops there.

But something else must have happened because later in the year, around Christmas time, my family (including extended family) decided that we were going to Indiana for the holidays.  I was adamant that I was not going because my father had told me that he was coming back for Christmas.  My Mama tried to tell me that he wouldn’t be coming.  But I believed my father.

Still having the naivete of a child, my father’s word was pure gold.

When the car arrived to take us to our destination, I hid.  They found me and physically had to pick me up, screaming, kicking and biting. I was determined not to miss my father’s visit.  Being overpowered by the strong arms of adults, I was shoved into the car where the rest of my siblings waited.  I was the only one who knew about my father’s promise to return.

At our destination, I stubbornly refused to get out of the car. They pulled me out and took me inside kicking and screaming.  I hit my head on the edge of a table and my Mami Saro (grandmother) yelled dejala quieta (leave her alone, in Spanish).  I pretended to be unconscious.

If nothing else, I gained a little pity having lost the valiant fight to be there for my father.

But he never came.  And from that day forward, I learned that promises are not always kept.  That those you love can and will disappoint you sometimes.  I learned mistrust.  I learned betrayal.

Then I read these words:

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me, that you also may be where I am.  John 14:3

Jesus speaks of His return for us, for me, in this verse.  Can I believe it?  Yes.  For He has never backed out of a promise.  He has always been there for me.

Sometimes, I can sense His presence so close that I reach my hand up to the sky to try to touch Him.

This time, I won’t be disappointed. This is one person I can believe and trust and He will come back for me.

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