
A friend of mine, William, has a Christian blog that I read frequently.  This last post was on resilience and I thought it was superb.

Click this link so you can enjoy it also.

Sometimes it takes us a long time to “pop” back into our lives from things that bring us down.  But, there is always hope with God’s grace.

Minnesota Thaw

The past few days have seen temperatures in the 30’s and low 40’s.  It’s an uncommon occurrence — to be warm so early in the year.

Although we can now see trees, grass and bushes starting to creep up over the snow, it is not as pretty as when the snow was all white. Mounds of snow still exist, looking like huge boulders.

The weather has been warm enough that some of the ponds are starting to thaw also.

Woodbury, Minnesota Pond

And pathways can now be seen.  Not a pathway to heaven — just to work. 

Minnesota Window View

Since November, 2010, we’ve had gobs of snow.  And almost every day since then we get a little dusting, or an inch or a few inches.  And it keeps piling up.

Outside my window, I used to be able to view a pond on the other side of the fence.  There is a paved path that people used to walk.  But not now — not until the weather warms and the snow melts.

Our first winter has not disappointed me.  Lots of snow.

Minnesota Window View

And now, a thaw, 40 degree temperatures.  The whiteness is turning to a grayness.  I”m sure the thaw won’t last long though.  Only part of this week — then back to the cold temperatures this weekend.

Valentine’s Day and Two Husbands

The history of Valentine’s day reminds me that it has nothing to do with flowers, chocolate or cards.  It was martyrdom, sacrifice — at it’s best.

And so it’s quite fitting today to speak about my two true loves.  They’re alike and different in so many ways.  But every day they make sacrifices for me.  Giving pieces of themselves so that I might live life more fully.

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He doesn’t flaunt himself but instead prefers to remain humble.
He is patient even when I provoke him.
He is kind even when I am angry.
He is tender when I am rough around the edges.
He is respectful and won’t disrespect me.
He loves me when I am unlovely.
He speaks gently when I’m having a temper tantrum.

He’s my husband, the one who my heart desires.

How blessed I am to have two of them.

One on earth and one in heaven.

For your Maker is your husband – the Lord Almighty is His name – the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.  Isaiah 54:5

Thank you both!  You have made my life complete.

Mansetti’s Restaurant

It’s always nice to find a restaurant that has good pizza.  Mansetti’s is fantastic!

We weren’t sure what to expect when we entered.  There were a lot of seniors leaving the restaurant.  Walking very slowly.    We seated ourselves.  The wait people were all young looking — a big contrast from the clientele that just left.

It wasn’t long before we were the only ones in the restaurant.

Mansetti’s Pizza & Pasta, Shoreview, Minnesota

Mancetti’s has booths and tables available.  There was no music on when we arrived but once everyone left, the music came on — loudly.

I think they were having problems adjusting the volume.

We ordered our pizza and it came promptly — thin crust, barbecue chicken.  The barbecue was nice and tangy.

A definite place we need to return to.

Mancetti’s Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Mancetti’s is located at 3999 Rice St, Shoreview, Minnesota.

Stillwater, Minnesota

If only … this house weren’t a short sale.

The view out the living room floor to ceiling windows is spectacular.  The house sits on 10 wooded acres. It does need updating as the kitchen and the rest of the house have the old-looking oak cabinets and trim.

In addition, it could take over 60 days to close the sale on this house.  And, there is no guarantee that it will close.

Ahhh … well … moving on.

Stillwater, Minnesota

Our God is "Small Enough"

I recently heard “Small Enough” by Nicole Nordeman — a song about someone struggling and wondering if God could make Himself small enough to hear her prayers.

We always hear about how great God is.  And He is great!  But God stoops down to take us in His arms of love.

He’s not too big, nor too busy, nor too great to hear my cry, my prayers or my ramblings.

Oh, great God, be small enough to hear me now
There were times when I was crying
from the dark of Daniel’s den
and I have asked You once or twice
If You would part the sea again
But tonight I do not need a fiery pillar in the sky
Just wanna know You’re gonna hold me if i start to cry 

Oh, great God, be small enough to hear me now

Oh, great God, be close enough to feel you now
There have been moments when I could not
Face Goliath on my own
And how could I forget we’ve marched around
our share of Jerichos
But I will not be setting out a fleece for you tonight
just wanna know that everything will be alright 

Oh great God, be close enough to feel you now

All praise and all the honor be
to the God of ancient mysteries
Whose every sign and wonder turn the pages of our history
But tonight my heart is heavy
and I cannot keep from whispering this prayer
“Are You there?”

And I know You could leave writing on the wall
that’s just for me
Or send wisdom while I’m sleeping,
like in Solomon’s sweet dreams
But I don’t need the strength of Samson
or a chariot in the end
Just want to know that You still know how many hairs
are on my head
Oh great God, be small enough to hear me now

Sustaining Strength

Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right and you feel like your head is stuck in the sand, uh, snow?

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No matter which way you turn, your head stays stuck and takes the rest of your body with it.  These are days that strengthen me internally.

Head in the snow
I find much comfort in words from the Bible that help to sustain me during times when I think I just can’t do it any more.  Sometimes, the words spoken weren’t meant for me directly.  But I know my Father.  He loves each of us equally and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  Hmmm … I guess I’m a gander.
It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.  Psalm 18:32

But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.  Psalm 3:3
So many promises I can hang onto.  My Papa is the best.

Quaker Oats Oatmeal Cookies

I’ve heard it said that oatmeal is good for the heart so to see The American Heart Association label on the top of the Quaker Oats box wasn’t surprising.

When I’m home, I try to have oatmeal in the morning.  A tiny bit of salt, a dab of sugar and lots of cinnamon.

Now, I wonder if eating oatmeal cookies is as healthy as having oatmeal in the morning.  I guess it would depend on how many cookies I eat.

Being curious, I decided to try the cookie recipe on the Quaker Oats box to see if it stood the test of my palate (which I’ve been told is not very discriminating).

1 stick of butter, softened
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups Quaker Oats

I left out the raisins in my ingredients, used butter instead of margarine and added a wee bit more cinnamon because I’m a big fan of cinnamon.  I also cut the recipe in half so the ingredients above are halved already.

Heat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
Beat butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar until creamy.
Add the egg and vanilla.  Beat well again.
Your batter should look like the one below.

Combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; mix well.
Combine both mixtures together; mix well.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown.
Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Not too bad.  They weren’t as moist as I would have liked but they did get eaten.