J C Penney, Woodbury, Minnesota

I was helping my husband look for a new pair of work shoes at J C Penney.  The salesman asked if he could help us and we gave him two different types of shoes that my husband wanted to try on.

A few minutes later, a young lady came out with the shoes with 4 boxes of shoes.  Different sizes, in case one size didn’t fit. She asked my husband if he needed a shoe horn and he said no.  She then walked away.

So, there we were — my husband taking the shoes out of the box and trying them on.  When we got to the second pair there was paper jammed inside the shoe and we couldn’t get it out.  I went to the customer service desk and no one was there so I said “hello?”  No answer.  The salesman and young lady both must have been in the back.  So — I yelled nice and loud “Hello?”

The young lady came out and I asked her if she could take the paper out of the shoe.  With a little difficulty, she was able to do what we needed.  Then she disappeared again.

My husband found the shoes he wanted and we went to the counter to pay for them.

Whatever happened to customer service?  This is the first time I’ve gone to a shoe department where they haven’t taken care of you by removing all the plastic and paper from the shoes and putting the shoes on your feet.

Maybe my expectations are too high.  Perhaps if we want to get customer service we should shop at Nordstrom’s from now on.  At least there I know people will take care of us.

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