Valentine’s Day and Two Husbands

The history of Valentine’s day reminds me that it has nothing to do with flowers, chocolate or cards.  It was martyrdom, sacrifice — at it’s best.

And so it’s quite fitting today to speak about my two true loves.  They’re alike and different in so many ways.  But every day they make sacrifices for me.  Giving pieces of themselves so that I might live life more fully.

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He doesn’t flaunt himself but instead prefers to remain humble.
He is patient even when I provoke him.
He is kind even when I am angry.
He is tender when I am rough around the edges.
He is respectful and won’t disrespect me.
He loves me when I am unlovely.
He speaks gently when I’m having a temper tantrum.

He’s my husband, the one who my heart desires.

How blessed I am to have two of them.

One on earth and one in heaven.

For your Maker is your husband – the Lord Almighty is His name – the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.  Isaiah 54:5

Thank you both!  You have made my life complete.

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