Hugo, Minnesota

In our quest to check out different neighborhoods in the Minnesota area to find the perfect place to buy a house, we drive around Saturday afternoons.

We came across a small town called Hugo that’s approximately 14 miles north of Saint Paul and has 14,000 or so residents.

The area we drove through was not very impressive but I’ve been told that there are areas that are nicer.  The picture below is of an area that has “cookie cutter” homes.  It reminded me of the song called “Little Boxes.”  The song is about houses being built in suburbia that are built out of “ticky tacky” and they all look just the same.  Click here to view the wikipedia article.

Hugo, Minnesota

Not all the houses looked “ticky tacky” but there was a sameness to the area where we were.  A beige-i-ness.

Hugo, Minnesota

Hugo, Minnesota

Close to where we drove was a park called Oak Shore Park.  Although it was snow-filled, I can visualize this park being used by all the neighborhood children.  

Oak Shore Park in Hugo, Minnesota

Oak Shore Park in Hugo, Minnesota

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