Moving to Minnesota

I recently received an email with a video from our Realtor, Bridget Crepeau, that asks the question “Why We’re Here: Twin Cities.”

Quite a few people asked us “why move to Minnesota?”  Our main reason was to be closer to family on both sides.  But then we were asked “what about the snow?”  Actually, we like the snow.  Some days though it’s very white outside.  Almost a blinding white.  The streets here are cleared up rather quickly, unlike the city of Seattle that shuts down with 2 inches of snow because they don’t have the equipment to remove the snow (they don’t get much anyway).

Then we were asked “what about the cold?”  I thought that might be a problem too but so far it hasn’t been.  I’ve actually adjusted to the cold and 20 degrees fahrenheit seems pretty warm (well, compared to when it gets to 0 degrees).

Since it’s winter and our focus right now is finding permanent housing, i.e. a house, we have not had much opportunity to explore the area as much as we’d like.  That should change come spring and summer.

View the video below.  And come visit us in Minnesota sometime.

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