Minnesota Weather

Minnesota weather is really rather interesting.

Before moving here, I was told that Minnesota has a “dry” cold.  Not sure what that meant exactly.

Now I do.  It is very dry.  Scratch, scratch, scratch.  I feel itchy all over sometimes.  It’s important to stay hydrated and using a good lotion is also important.

We use CeraVe — also recommended by Dr. Oz for dry skin.


Another interesting tidbit — chapstick is sold in 3’s instead of the usual 1 like what I’m used to seeing in Seattle.  I’m sure you can find a single one but every time I’ve looked, they have sold them in a pack of 3.


My asthma has not kicked in yet either.  Good news as I thought for sure I’d be spending a lot of time in the emergency room.  My breath has only been “taken away” once since I’ve been here and I haven’t had to use an inhaler to stop its continuance.  I simply put a warm glove over my mouth until I arrived at a warm place.

I just need to stay out of the cold north winds and then I’m fine.

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