Monroe, Wisconsin

 Our trip to the Midwest took us many places — one of them Monroe, Wisconsin.

This tower sits in the middle of town.

It’s a quaint town but almost dead.  We walked around and found a small coffee shop.   The people there were very friendly.

 Quite different than Seattle in that you placed your order and sat down.  They came with water and then your order.

Very nice.

We then asked for directions to The Swiss Colony, a well-known cheese place.  We went to 2 places with the name but none that was for tourists.

Eventually, we found the store.  When we walked in I told the woman who was handing out free cheese samples of not being able to find the store.  Perhaps, I suggested, they put up a large sign so that people could find it.

Her response shocked me “There’s not enough money to do that.”

What???!!!  Not enough money to bring customers to your store?

I bit my tongue and kept looking for — cheese.

Ahhh well, everything can’t be perfect.

Street & Road Map of Monroe, Wisconsin WI – Printed poster size wall atlas of your home town

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