
As I looked out my window, I saw a robin seeking shelter from the heat and humidity that we’ve been having. In this crazy world, I find it in the relationship I have with Jesus. You?

Robin Under Tree Seeking Shelter

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1,2

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Hospice Quilts

My mother would have been 98 years old this year.

When she was transferred to a hospice facility in September 2021 from the hospital, I entered the room where she was and they had laid a quilt across the bottom half of her bed. I was feeling so many emotions but this brought peace to my heart – like this was where she was supposed to be at this moment in her life.

After her death, the hospice facility gave us this quilt and I brought it home with me.


In late 2023 I decided that I wanted to “pay it forward” by donating some quilts back to the facility where my mother died. I called them and offered to make quilts for them and they were grateful for my offer.

The three quilts below are the ones that I donated. They vary in size – one twin, one throw and one lap quilt.

Scrappy Quilt – Front
Scrappy Quilt – Back
Rainbow Quilt
Rainbow Quilt
Quilt Back

I‘m hoping to make this year a “pay it forward“ year.

The last 5 years have not been kind – 21 family/friends have died – about one a quarter. One week I went to three funerals so it was hard to recover from one grief to the next.

But by the grace of Jesus my heart keeps healing – looking back at each person and the wonderful moments we shared.

So if you’re experiencing “down” times, I can tell you that Jesus cares – every tear, quiet scream, heavy sigh – He draws closer and closer and will never leave your side. You don’t even need to “talk about it” because He already knows.

I am a witness.

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Stars & Stitches Quilt

I made this quilt for a friend who just finished cancer treatment.

Stars & Stitches Quilt ~ Pattern by Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Purple is her favorite color so I made the back purple to symbolize her life. The front, with varied shapes and colors, are the people in her life who she has “touched” with her gift of massage and her vast knowledge of “natural” cures.

I sewed diagonal lines on my Janome sewing machine.

Stars & Stitches Quilt ~ Pattern by Missouri Star Quilt Co.

The pattern is called Stars and Stitches by Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Stars & Stitches Quilt ~ Pattern by Missouri Star Quilt Co.
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A Child’s Rainbow Quilt

During Christmas, our son and his family surprised us with a visit.

Our 4 year old granddaughter wanted me to show her how the sewing machine worked so we sat and played around with it til it was time for them to leave.

Then she looks at me and asks if I could make her a rainbow quilt. I told her I would but wasn’t sure exactly what size to make.

My son assured me it wouldn’t matter so I set out to purchase some “rainbow” fabric. I made the front out of one piece of fabric but added some red strips to break up the pattern. I made the back with the Kona Cotton – New Bright Palette Roll Up.

It worked out quite well. The palette roll up has different gradations of color that makes for a beautiful backing.

My granddaughter was pleased with the quilt but said it was too large. I offered to bring it home and shorten it but she did not want to part with it.

Although the quilt was smaller than a napping quilting and bigger than a crib quilt, I think it will “grow” on her.

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My First Tied Quilt

A year ago I decided to make a twin “scrappy” quilt (a quilt made from leftover fabric from other quilts).

Then I decided to veer into uncharted territory ~ instead of sending it to a longarm quilter, I decided to “tie” it. I had never tied a quilt before in my life so was really hesitant. It took some time but I finished it, put the binding on then put it in my closet.

Why? Because I was afraid that the “tying” wouldn’t hold if I washed it. There was no reason for me to have this fear as thousands of quilters tie their quilts. But in the closet in stayed … until last week when I took it out of the closet, looked it over and washed it today. And ya know what? The tying held perfectly.

My fear was for naught.

Isn’t that how many things in life are? We procrastinate because we’re not sure how things will turn out til we finally take the plunge and all is well.

I was so elated when I took it out of the dryer and a soft tied quilt greeted me.

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Do Angels Wear Suits

I do not relish taking to the “skies’ in a plane and have visions of scenarios that shall remain unspoken.

Arriving at O’Hare airport for our recent flight to Boston for a cruise, was no exception. 

Our travel agent had reserved the Exit row seats for us for the extra legroom.  As I walked down the aisle to get to our seat, I was wondering who the window passenger might be because I was sitting in the middle row.

Upon arrival, I glanced at the gentleman sitting at the window seat. Wearing a black suit, white starched shirt, black shoes and a black tie I was, well, curious.   After securing my seatbelt and making sure both Phil and I were settled, I looked at the man whose face was blank and said “Are you a preacher?”  The words came out before I could stop them.  The man looked at me puzzled as if he didn’t hear and Phil repeated the question “She was wondering if you’re a preacher.” 

No, said the young man.  He had the whitest teeth. 

Not wanting to bother him again, I remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

After we landed, I stood up, grabbed my carry on, turned and said “I hope you have a nice day” which favored me with a smile.

Well, that was interesting …

Fast forward to our trip home.  This time we were on the other side of the plane in an exit row and again I was to sit in the middle seat.

Upon arrival, the window passenger was already there.  There in front of me was seated a man with a blue suit, white starched shirt, spiffed up shoes, a tie and a gray hat with a feather in it.

Alright I mumbled to myself.  No questions.  But I had to wonder if God had placed a well-dressed angel in the same row as us ~ again.

The steward came by and this gentleman requested his free drink ~ actually, two small bottles of liquor.  He said he had “status” which means he was a frequent flyer.  The steward complimented him on his hat so I wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

Hmmm … do angels drink?  Ahh, I thought ~ perhaps they too can turn liquor into water, eh?

After we deplaned, the tall man in the blue suit starting walking past me with large strides yet I wanted to take his picture ~ kind’ve like pinching yourself to know it’s real.  I know, I know ~ it is a little odd.   And so, leaving Phil behind (he doesn’t usually keep up with my crazy ideas), I quickly walked behind the man with the gray feathered hat to see if I could take a picture of him.

Do angels wear suits? I’ll have to wait til heaven to find out.  Angels or not, God provided this anxious child of His with a distraction.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”  Hebrews 13:2

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A Window View

Autumn Window View

Sitting on my couch, I looked up and noticed how beautiful the day was ~ just by looking out the family room window.

I count myself blessed to be sitting here at peace with no disruptions except for any I make for myself.

My heart is saddened though as I hear a news feature ~ a 7 year old boy in Chicago was shot by a stray bullet while washing his hands in the bathroom in preparation for dinner.

What’s even more tragic is that his father died the previous week.

His name ~ Akeem.

His family ~ heartbroken.

More and more evil seems to be happening …

I sit looking out the family room window … no amount of beauty can erase a senseless killing.

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Autumn Colors in Illinois

The vibrant colors of autumn along with the crisp air always seem to remind me of a time long long ago when I would walk from the apartment I lived in to my grandmother’s (Mami Saro) house.

As I left the apartment to walk the one block to get to her house, I was focused on getting there.

Mami Saro had me spoiled. It seemed like she had a favorite from each one of her six children’s kids. I considered myself lucky.

The door was usually unlocked when I arrived. Entering the apartment the smell of food always permeated the air. Would she make my favorite “snack” today ~ scrambled eggs with diced spam ham? All I had to do was ask.

The ham would quickly be roasted on a frying pan before the egg would be added. Comfort food.

Yes, this was a most welcoming and loving place. Autumn floods my brain with those feelings.

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