Oven Baked Paleo Beef Stew

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Baked Paleo Beef Stew
Baked Paleo Beef Stew

It’s dark and dreary outside ~ too dreary for a June day in Minnesota. The feeling of blah-ness sinks in as the house gets darker and darker ~ overwhelmed by the trees that cover it and the rain.  I’ve decided not to live like “this” so I turn on lights throughout the house to help cheer me up.  It does.

And the thought of dinner also cheers me up, for what better meal sits well in the belly on dreary days but Beef Stew ~ paleo and baked.  Slow cooking in the oven leaves me free to do other things.

Do you have a comfort food that brings you a sense of calmness on dreary days?

This meal was quick and tasted great!  I decided to share it with you (lucky you and you’re welcome!).


(For additional paleo recipes, click here.)

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