Paleo Baked Lamb Chops with Cauliflower

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One of my favorite meats ~ lamb ~ is the main ingredient for this recipe besides the cauliflower.


Most people aren’t fans of cauliflower but I say the vegetable has just gotten some bad press.  It’s really a good vegetable when combined with the right foods.

Lamb and cauliflower ~ like birds of a feather who flock together ~ go really well together.

Because this dish is baked, the cauliflower comes out nice and soft.

The other surprise in this recipe is the mustard. Have you ever had mustard with lamb? I never had but this mixture is not too strong and tastes quite good.

Lamb with Mustard
Lamb with Mustard

I will grant you the dish looks a little odd paired together but, hey, there’s a lot of other pairings out there that look odd but taste great.

Lamb with Cauliflower
Lamb with Cauliflower

So, go ahead and give this paleo Baked Lamb Chops with Cauliflower a shot.  I really don’t believe you’ll regret it.

For additional paleo recipes, click here.

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