Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Dill

Sometimes I don’t feel like making a “new” entree so instead I find a new side dish that will complement the entree.

Today was such a day.

I found this recipe in a book called 1,000 Vegan Recipes which has quite a few excellent side dishes that are paleo.

The ingredients are quite simple ~

Ingredients for Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Dill
Ingredients for Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Dill

Looks simple enough, eh?

I only used half of the brussels sprouts in the bag since there’s only the two of us and I just needed a small side dish. I cut the tips off the ends of the brussels sprouts, sliced them lengthwise and then cleaned them. Then I steamed them for a bit.

Prepare the brussels sprouts
Prepare the brussels sprouts

After slicing the shallots, I softened them up in a little olive oil.

Saute the shallots
Saute the shallots

Then everything is thrown together (okay, okay, not literally thrown) to get a nice side dish.

Ready to see the recipe?


  • 1 pound Brussels Sprouts, trimmed and halved lengthwise
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-3 shallots, quartered lengthwise
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1-2 teaspoons dried dill seeds


  1. Steam the Brussels Sprouts until they are just tender ~ about 7 minutes ~ the set them aside.
  2. In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat then add the shallots and cook until they are softened.
  3. Add the tender Brussels Sprouts and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Cook until the shallots and sprouts become lightly browned ~ 5 minutes or so.
  5. Add the dill seed, stir to combine then serve immediately.

I served this side dish with baked yams (Trader Joe’s calls them Sweet Potatoes but I know better) and the Slow Cooker Twenty Garlic Chicken. Delicious!

Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Dill
Brussels Sprouts with Shallots and Dill

And just for you, here’s a Brussels Sprouts factoid: Brussels Sprouts may have originated in Brussels, Belgium and are quite popular in that area.


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