Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup

The cold Minnesota weather makes having soup for dinner a favorite of mine and this Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup was no exception. Can’t you just smell the warmth coming from the stovetop?

Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup
Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup

The butternut squash, along with all the other ingredients, was quite tender and tasteful.

The soup was served with Broccoli Crunch — a salad that could have been a meal all on its own although, the combination of apples and broccoli was not my favorite. Is it possible to have too much crunchiness in a salad?

Broccoli Crunch Salad

Large chunks of chicken sure were satisfying in this soup. Mmmmm …

Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup
Roasted Chicken & Butternut Soup

The soup is from a Martha Stewart recipe so it’s “safe” to try (for those who might be hesitant to try something from a newbie).


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