Paleo Bison Chili

This is the second recipe we’ve tried with bison, the first one was for bison and turkey sausages.

This Bison Chili was quite hearty, thick and used ground bison with a LOT of tomatoes. I think next time I probably will cut down on the tomatoes a bit though as it was too tomatoey for me and, although I like tomatoes, it would have tasted better with less of them.

Paleo Bison Chili
Paleo Bison Chili

With this soup, we had an Endive, Pear and Walnut Salad. The original recipe calls for feta cheese but since we’re eating paleo, we excluded the cheese. The endive tasted a little bitter at first but once I tossed it a little in the dressing, it was fine since it had honey added to it also.

Endive, Pear and Walnut Salad
Endive, Pear and Walnut Salad

The older I get, the more I like salads that have nuts and fruit in them. Cranberries, pears, apples, walnuts … they all seem to taste really good in salads.

I wonder if that means I’m a fruity nut now.  (hahahaha)


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