Another Paleo Dinner

You may be wondering if I’m still eating a paleo diet since I haven’t posted much lately. The answer is yes.

Unfortunately, I’ve been sick and today I found out I have bronchitis. I thought for sure the cold I caught was going away but it returned with more coughing, chest pain and a low grade fever. The doctor took a chest x-ray which I questioned because I “normally” get bronchitis when I get a bad cold and I already know what they prescribe  for the cure — antibiotics and prednisone.

Actually, I didn’t see a doctor but a nurse practitioner.  She explained that the x-ray was needed because of the chest pressure although she didn’t “hear” much in my chest. I kind’ve knew the x-ray would come out negative. Should I have asked her not to give me one or would that have seemed too much like the patient telling the doctor what to do?

Anyway … here is a recent paleo dinner that we had. This salmon with basil pesto and tomatoes was pretty good but I am partial to both salmon and tomatoes and enjoy eating them both.

Salmon with Basil Pesto and Tomatoes
Salmon with Basil Pesto and Tomatoes

This was served with a blood orange salad. Have you ever had a blood orange before? This was my first time trying one and although it looked like an orange grapefruit to me, it did not taste that sour.

Blood Orange Salad
Blood Orange Salad

In addition, we had cumin roasted carrots. The total dinner is displayed below.

Paleo Dinner
Paleo Dinner

Paleo dinners continue to be nice and filling. There is really no need to have dessert afterwards and it hasn’t been missed (too) much.

Well, I guess I better take off and get those medications so I can recuperate from this yearly bout of bronchitis. Hope you are well!


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