Normally there’s not much to say about the cabin steward on the ship. He is supposed to be invisible and yet make sure that all your cabin needs are taken care of.
Our cabin steward introduced himself on the first day (as they all do). He is from the Philippines and his name is pronounced Why-you. We all (including him) found the name pronunciation funny but easy to remember.
When we arrived in our cabin after the first evening’s entertainment in the theatre, I was surprised and tickled that he had made an animal creation with towels. Not all cabin stewards can do this and on our last cruise we were not entertained in this manner.
Below are some of his inventions. I laughed out loud when I entered the room and saw the mouse and the hanging monkey. A nice way to end the day.

Seven nights – seven animal creations.
Since there were three of us in an inside cabin we had two twin beds that were pushed together (plenty of room for my husband and I) and then there was a bunk bed over half of the bed. It was a little cumbersome as my son had to climb on the bed to get to the bunk but once I spoke to Why-you about the situation he moved a desk to the other side of the room and put a ladder on the bunk so my son could get up easier.
We were fortunate to have a very good cabin steward this time around.
Click below to see other portions of the trip.
Preparing for a Winter Vacation
The Modern Churrascaria Restaurant
5 thoughts on “The Norwegian Star – Cabin Steward”