A Paleolithic Diet – Day 13

I woke up this morning and put the already-made spanish style casserole in the oven after cracking three eggs over it. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it because it had green peppers in it but I was mistaken. It tasted great!

Uncooked Spanish Style Casserole Paleo Breakfast
Uncooked Spanish Style Casserole Paleo Breakfast

After 20 or so minutes of cooking in a 450° oven it was ready for eating.  Yummm!

Spanish Style Casserole Paleo Breakfast
Spanish Style Casserole Paleo Breakfast

For lunch, I had leftover Jamaican Pepper Pot stew with a slice of bread (sorry I don’t have the recipe for this gluten free bread). These were very good leftovers.

Dinner included sauteed chicken with spinach, a Martha Stewart recipe.

Sauteed Chicken with Spinach
Sauteed Chicken with Spinach

This diet really can be very simple to follow although not having dairy (except for the eggs) makes it kind’ve tough for some people.

Interestingly enough, my blood pressure is normal. I’m guessing that part of the reason is that I don’t have hardly any sugar or salt in my diet. Yes?


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