Trip to Seattle

On the last day of my vacation in Seattle, the weather cooperated enough for me and my husband to take a drive to Shilshole Beach — one of my favorite places to take a walk.

The Shilshole area has a marina and beach that have shelters you can rent with grills and picnic tables. I was surprised that on a Thursday afternoon, parking was hard to find.

The view looking across the Puget Sound waters was absolutely breathtaking but not unexpected as the Olympic Mountains have always taken my breath away.

Olympic Mountain View from Shilshole Beach
View of Olympic Mountains
Shilshole Beach Breakers

The tide was out — I mean, really out. In the almost 30 years that I lived in Seattle, I never have seen the tide out so far.

Shilshole Beach – Tide Out
Shilshole Sandy Beach

There were so many cars and people here most likely because Seattle has been pretty cool through the spring and early summer (lots of rain) and people hunger for the sun when it finally comes out.

Shilshole Beach

The weather in Seattle tempts me to move back when we have sweltering heat in Minnesota. But then I think about the traffic, the over population and the rest of the year when the weather is not so great. Compare that to the almost traffic free Twin Cities and Minnesota is hands down the winner. And let’s not forget “Minnesota nice.”

I remember telling my husband “Seattle is almost as bad as Chicago already.” While living there we just didn’t realize how bad it actually had gotten. But I did leave wonderful friends behind, along with a son, so Seattle will continue to be a place to visit.


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